The player point of view




The player point of view

More than a survey tool (Part II)



It is important to remember that players care deeply about their surroundings and only want what is best for their club. We know from experience that seeing your club through the player’s perspective and taking action, if properly done, can generate “positive ambassadors” and ensure long standing loyalty from your members.

A journey through the player's point of view
The player lingers on the edge of the parking lot in the sweet smell of freshly cut grass. The sun has just burned through the morning dew and a slight breeze blows lazily about the yard. It's Sunday and he has a tee time with a friend from the club who tips his cap from the bench by the locker rooms. For a few hours they disappear into the fields and aren't seen or heard from until their return to the clubhouse.

Reclining in the lounge they talk about the game. Today was a good day, if not for the shabby bunker situation. As they’re about to get up and leave the player notices a new email from Players 1st in his inbox, and the two decide to stay for a pilsner while they do the survey on their phones. Next time, perhaps, they won't get stuck in a sand trap full of pebbles. 

Five minutes later the course manager checks his Players 1st dashboard and notices that, once again, his bunker score has dropped. Now it's down to 71 points, 11 below the benchmark at 82. Something has to be done, sooner rather than later. The manager picks up his phone and calls the greenkeeper.



From data to action to positive ambassadors
Although some people may believe golf to be a solitary sport, our studies show that new members will eventually abandon their new club if they do not find a suitable social network. Such a trend can be difficult to mitigate, but whatever solution may work in your club the social sphere is definitely a necessary aspect to take into account. Taking informed action to ensure players have a positive experience is an invaluable investment in the future. 

We have been aware of this issue for some time and in collaboration with the Danish Golf Union, our earliest partner, we continually work to make new members feel welcome in their clubs with the purpose of producing so-called “positive ambassadors.” The basic principle behind this approach is to provide good experiences for new members. In turn, these members will act as positive ambassadors who are likely to retain and attract new members, as well as help increase revenue per player.

Data shows that clubs who are coached by Players 1st and our partners in how to make new members feel welcome are much more likely to succeed in producing effective and loyal positive ambassadors.


Player loyalty
The Players 1st surveys run on all platforms, which makes the experience both flexible and efficient, and we continually optimize the platform to make it as easy as possible to use. This way players get a high-quality survey experience with questions that are relevant to the golfing encounter itself. This is a unique chance for the players to directly influence the club and the future of the game, and their loyalty can be ensured with a clear connection between their responses and the subsequent changes in the club.

However, if clubs react poorly, or not at all, this effect can quickly be reversed. By understanding the player point of view, by respecting and recognizing their engagement, clubs can ensure long standing player loyalty and, consequently, a stronger club and a stronger game.

Evidence shows that golfers respond to Players 1st in a much higher degree than regular surveys. In part 3 of “More than a survey tool” we dive deeper into the subject of player engagement and the question of why our respondents are so eager to participate.



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