5 things you (probably) didn't know about women and golf


Women’s Golf Day is cause for celebration of the many women in the golf industry and on the golf courses.

Every year more and more women join the game, which is important to break with the idea of golf being a men’s sport. Still, however, there are golf clubs around the world, which are restricted to men only. There within lies a great opportunity, a gap and an unresolved potential for golf clubs to involve even more people in golf, expand their business and also their revenue.

To be able to take full advantage of that possibility, it’s important to understand the women golfers, what they value and who they are.

Based on research and data from our own player experience management platform, which your club can gain access to through here, we’ve gathered five facts, highlighting things you need to know about women and golf.

1. Sweden is aiming for 50/50 men and women on the course and in management

Sweden is the pioneer country for women in golf. In 2017, the Swedish Golf Foundation launched a long term effort to increase the number of women among players and in leading positions at golf clubs. It was named the Vision 50/50 and was implemented with the goal of achieving a more inclusive and equal sport. Right now, women players in Sweden account for approximately 27,2 per cent of all golfers, with the most equal club being Torekovs GK in the area of Skåne with 41,2 per cent of all members. Every year across the country, the clubs also celebrate the women at “Nationell Damdag” which is the national Women’s Golf Day. According to a report from the Swedish Golf , more than 160.000 women took part in the national event in 2017.

2. Off-course golf creates good exposure to women

While only 23 per cent of all golfers in America are women, they account for close to half of all off-course players with 44 per cent. This suggests that women are open to exploring golf and also in other forms than the traditional way. Off-course golf is also very important in the way the sport markets and exposes itself, creating opportunities for different segments like women and millennials.

3. Women value the atmosphere and social events

Women care about the atmosphere around the golf club. Data from an ongoing study by Players 1st show that atmosphere is the most important factor when talking about the overall membership satisfaction for women golfers in England. In the US it’s almost the same as they rate the atmosphere the second highest only behind the course itself. All of them, however, are less satisfied with the number of social events going on within their current club and an increase in this could lead to more satisfied women members. Maybe your club should host Women’s Golf Day next year?

4. Family and friends bring golfers to the course

The R&A recently published a study on Women’s, Girls’ and Family Participation in Golf revealing that 65 per cent of female golfers identified a member of their family as the main reason for taking up golf. Furthermore, every second non-golfer claimed they would be encouraged to play golf with family and friends while every fourth lapsed golfer said they’d return if more family or friends played.

5. More women are beginning to play golf

While there have been raised concern over the number of women and millennials playing golf, you and your club better be ready, because they are coming sooner than you think. According to the National Golf Foundation, a third of all beginners on the American golf courses are women and 36 per cent of all juniors are girls.

Morten Bisgaard